Fulltime Score North Newcastle 88 defeated Maitland United 10

What a day in front of a good turnout from our old North Old Boys and Ladies.Our lads secured one of the Bluebags top 5 highest point scoring wins of all time?

Best part today was we got off to quick start and just never let up. Something which has been lacking in the previous 4 games.

Hard to pick any stand out players today as all made significant contributions.

Tries to Richard Thomas in the 2nd minute, Kenneth Harding in the 8th minute, Eddie Asiata in the 24th minute, Ty Hopley in 28th minute, Chris Thomas in the 33rd minute, Joel Williams in the 37th minute, Donald Nairn in the 44th minute, Kenneth Harding crossing for his 2nd try in the 48th minute, Luke Fisher in the 54th minute, Ty Hopley crossing for his 2nd in the 56th minute, Eddie Asiata crossing for his 2nd in the 58th minute, Shaun Dunn in the 60 minute, Michael Blake in the 64th minute, Joel Williams crossing for his 2nd in the 66th minute and Brent Steggall in the 68th minute. And what a day for Luke Fisher, converting 14th goals from 15th attempts + a try, 32 point haul. Many congradulations Luke.
No doubt a few of the lads will sleep well knowing they won’t have to participate in a Nudie run.

Thanks to the Old Boys and Ladies that turned up, made a great day better. To our committee who worked tirelessly, especially ladies in canteen, you were magnificent.

Also thanks to our visitors, Maitland United, Glenmore Park Brumbies and John Taylor with his Touchies.

Next Saturday we play Dungog in Dungog at 2.30pm.

Up the Bluebags.



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